From the resurrection to Pentecost - Read Luke 24, Acts 1

1. In what town was Jesus crucified and buried?

2. Where were the apostles in Luke 24?

3. What did the apostles think happened to Jesus?

4. Was Jesus successful in their eyes?

5. What type of body did Jesus possess at this time (spiritual or physical)?

6. What did Jesus command the apostles to do?

7. How long did Jesus teach His apostles after His resurrection?

8. What did He teach them?

9. What promise did Jesus make to the apostles during this time?

10. How long was it from the ascension of Christ until the coming of the Holy Spirit? (see also Lev. 23:15-16)

11. What matter of business needed to be accomplished after Jesus' ascension?

12. Why was it necessary to choose a replacement? Why not just leave the number at eleven? (consider also Revelation 4:4; Genesis 49:28)

13. What qualifications did Barsabbas & Matthias have to have?

14. Who chose the new apostle?

15. What is the difference between an apostle and a disciple?

16. How did they know a new disciple was to be selected?


1. Where were the apostles when they were filled with the Holy Spirit?

2. Were the "tongues as of fire" and the "sound like a rushing and violent wind:"

A. Happening to all in the house?

B. Visible and heard by all?

C. Did all 120 receive the Holy Spirit? Explain your answer?

3. What are "other tongues" referring to?

4. Who was able to "speak in other tongues?"

5. What is "the day of Pentecost?"

6. At what point did the apostles receive the Holy Spirit...... was it with the "sound of the rushing wind?" or when the tongues like as of fire rested on them? or when they began to speak in other languages?

7. What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

8. Was the miracle of "speaking in tongues" on the ear of the listener or on the tongues of the speakers?

9. Where were the apostles from? What languages would they be able to speak?

10. Did EVERYONE present recognize this as a miraculous happening? Why?

11. What did they think was happening? WHY??

12. What time of the day was this all taking place?


1. Make a brief outline of the sermon:

2. What was the attitude of the multitude before the sermon?

3. What was the attitude of the multitude after the sermon?

4. What brought about the change in their attitude?

5. What question did they ask? What exactly were they asking?

6. What were they told to do? Relate to the charge that Jesus gave to His apostles at the end of the book of Luke.

7. Did they believe the testimony of Peter? How do you know?

8. If they complied with Peter's (God's) command, what was the two-fold promise that they would receive?

9. To whom were these promises made? When?

10. How would their children receive the promise?

11. How many obeyed the gospel that day?

12. How many were added to the church that day?

13. What did they do after they had been baptized?

14. How fast was the church growing?

USING YOUR MAP:On your map locate and label each of the following:

Jerusalem Mediterranean Sea Sea of Galilee Cappadocia

Rome Sicily Adrian Sea Crete

Macedonia Asia Pamphylia Judea

Egypt Red Sea Galilee Melita

Cyrene Fair Havens Black Sea Pontus

Phrygia Cyprus Arabia Nile River

Dead Sea Jordan River

Now Find each of the areas where the people came from that are mentioned in Acts 2:9-11 and draw a line from each of these areas to Jerusalem.

Now draw a line of a different color from Galilee to Jerusalem.

1. Where did the Jews that had gathered in Jerusalem come from?

2. Where is Galilee (where the apostles came from)?

3. Where all had Jesus' ministry carried Him?

4. What do you think most of these Jews would have known about Jesus?


1. Why were they gathered to Jerusalem?

2. Were they ALL devout?

3. Were they men or women or both? What kind of mixture do you suppose?

4. Had they seen the resurrected Christ? (see also 1 Cor. 15:6)Acts Chapters 3 & 4

The Lame Man

1. What was wrong with the man? For how long?

2. What did he want from Peter & John?

3. What did he get?

4. What was his reaction?

5. What was the people's response?

6. What did Peter do?

7. Why was Peter & John going to the temple?

8. Who would have heard his sermon here?

9. Outline the content of his message.

The Official Jewish Reaction

1. Who seized them? Why?

2. What was the effect of the message on those who heard?

3. How long were Peter and John in jail?

4. What Jewish leaders interrogated them?

5. What did they ask?

6. Outline Peter's defense

7. What had these Jewish leaders observed?

8. What did they reason among themselves?

9. What did they decide to do?

10. Did they believe that a miracle had been done? Why?

11. Did Peter & John agree to their terms?

12. Why were they released?

After Peter & John's Release

1. Where did they go?

2. What impresses you about the prayer that they prayed?

3. What happened after they concluded the prayer? What did that mean?

The Jerusalem Church

1. What was the general attitude of the church in Jerusalem?

2. With great power the apostles were giving witness to what?

3. Where did this power come from?

4. What was going on to take care of the needs of the church?

5. Why was there such great need among believers?

6. Who was the Joseph mentioned here? What did he do?

Thought Questions:

Do you think this miracle was a part of the "signs and wonders" mentioned in Acts 2:43? Was this going on day by day? Why was this particular account singled out?

Had Peter finished his sermon when he was arrested? Why do you think that your answer is correct?

What do you suppose would have happened if Peter and John were kept in prison? Why were the rulers afraid?

What is the difference between the church as it is described here and a socialist society? or a communal society?

Acts Chapters 5 & 6

Discipline in the Church

1. Who was first to be disciplined (that we have a record of)?

2. Why? What was their sin?

3. Who did they lie to?

4. What was their punishment?

5. What was the reaction of the church?

6. What did Peter do?

7. List below the three terms are used to identify the one lied to (v. 3, 4, & 9)?




8. Why did "great fear" come on the church (v. 5 & 11)?

9. What is meant by the church "and all who heard these things?"

10. At what point did Ananias' money stop being his own, to do with as he pleased?

The Church Continues in Power

1. Who was working miracles?

2. Where (what area) were they preaching? Why?

3. How did the Jews view the church?

4. What effect was the apostles teaching having?

5. What types of miracles were being done?

Reaction of the Jews

1. What attitude did the ruling Jews have toward the apostles teaching? Why?

2. What did they do about it?

3. How did they get out of jail?

4. What did they do upon release?

5. What was the cause of the great wonderment as well as confusion among the Jewish rulers?

6. Why couldn't the Jews just leave them alone?

7. Why didn't the Jews take stronger action with the apostles?

8. What did the ruling Jews perceive as the outcome of the apostles teaching?

9. Why wouldn't the apostles agree to be more discreet with their teaching? Couldn't some compromise be met?

10. Who was Gamaliel?

11. What did he advise them to do? Why?

12. Did they follow his advice? What did they do with the apostles?

13. What was the reaction of the apostles? What did they do?

Meeting the needs of the Church

1. Was the church continuing to grow or had the threats against it cause a dying


2. What was the problem that existed among these brethren that needed special attention?

3. Why didn't the apostles handle this distribution? There would be no one who would question their attitudes or authority.

4. Who were chosen that these needs were met? - Why these men?

5. Are these the first elders? deacons? Please explain your answer.

The continued growth of the Church

1. Describe the church.

2. How far had the gospel been spread? Why?

3. What were the Jewish priests' attitude toward the church?

The First Martyr

1. Who was Stephen?

2. Who was he debating with?

3. Why were they so interested in Stephen?

4. What testimony stirred the people up against Stephen?

5. Is he guilty?

6. What is meant in v. 15 by "the face of an angel?"

Thought Questions:

Do you see a change in attitude of the N. T. church in these two chapters? If so, why?

How might this growing number of Christians be affecting the city of Jerusalem? the rest of the world?

Do you think the daily number of conversions are increasing or decreasing? Why?

How has the attitude of the ruling Jews changed in these chapters? <

Acts Chapters 7 & 8

Stephen's Defense Before the Council

1. What was the whole basis of Stephen's defense?

2. On a separate sheet of paper:

A. Outline the history of the Jews using Stephen's defense.

B. Show their spiritual "ups" and "downs" on a chart such as the one below.

Abraham & Jacob & family

promises in Egypt

Patriarchs jealous, Egyptian

sells Jacob Bondage

3. What point was Stephen making with all this history?

4. What charges did Stephen bring against the council?

5. How did they react?

6. What did Stephen see?

7. What was their reaction when he told them about it? Why?

8. How many parallels can you draw between Stephen's death and Jesus' death?

9. How many major attempts has now been made to stop the spread of the gospel by the council?

10. How have they gotten progressively worse?

A. First attempt -

B. Second attempt-

C. Third attempt -

11. What was the effect of Stephen's death?

12. At what point did the council go into a "rage?"

13. It has been said that "Stephen rises and falls like a meteor, but he blazes

a path of light which never fades from the church." What do you think that means?

The Spread of the Church from Jerusalem

1. Find and mark the following on your maps:

A. Jerusalem

B. Region of Samaria

C. City of Samaria

D. Judea

E. Where Philip met the Eunuch

F. Ethiopia

2. Where are the apostles as the persecution begins?

3. Where did some of the apostles go? Why?

4. What was happening to those who were in the church?

A: Some were___________________

B. Some were___________________

Philip in Samaria

1. Who are the Samaritans? What relationship did they have with the Jews?

2. Who is Philip?

3. Why did Philip go to Samaria?

4. Who is Simon?

5. What did the Samaritans think of Simon?

6. What did Philip preach? What miracles was he performing?

7. How did the Samaritans respond?

8. What did Simon think of Philip's preaching?

9. Why did the apostles send Peter and John to Samaria?

10. HOW were the gifts of the Holy Spirit given?

11. What "mistake" (sin) did Simon commit?

12. How did that mistake change his relationship with the Lord?

A. What is the "gall of bitterness"

B. What is the "bond of iniquity?"

13. What attitude did Simon have toward his wickedness?

14. What was he told to do? What does that mean for us today?

15. Why is this account (with the Samaritans) so important to be noticed here?

The Preaching Continues

1. Where did the apostles go when they left Samaria?

2. Where did Philip go? Why?

3. How did Philip know that the eunuch was the one he was to approach?

4. Why didn't the Ethiopian understand the passage he was reading?

5. What points would have had to have been included in Philip's teaching of the eunuch?

6. What was the eunuch's response?

7. Find and mark on you map:

A. Azotus

B. Caesarea

Thought Questions:

1. How does history repeat itself with Paul? (see Acts 14:19-20)

2. Was Stephen unwise in the manner in which he taught? Did he follow the Lord's

instruction to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves?" (Matthew 10:16)

3. When the Jews first began to "rush on Stephen," before they had "driven him out of the city," Jesus is said to be "standing at God's right hand." What do you suppose is the significance of that statement?

4. What happened in Jerusalem after the church was scattered? Why were the apostles continuing there?

5. Why didn't Philip give the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Samaritans?

6. What different functions of the Holy spirit have we seen so far?

7. Why was the eunuch so easy to teach?



(See also chapters 22 & 26)

1. Who is Saul? What can we know about him?

2. Where did he come from?

3. What languages could he speak? (21:40; 23:6; Gal. 1:14)

4. Who educated Saul?

5. Of what sect of the Jews was Saul? (23:6)

6. Where did Saul hold citizenship?

7. Of what Jewish tribe was Saul? (Phil. 3:5)

8. Saul was his Hebrew name; what was his Roman name?

9. What was his trade? (18:3)

10. What was his mission? Why?

11. To what is Saul referring when he speaks of the Way?

12. What was Saul doing to the church, be specific?

13. By what authority was Saul acting?

14. Why was Saul so fanatical? (26:6-11)

15. What were the letters Saul was carrying? Who were they to and from?

16. What was Saul's destination?


1. Where was Saul when he first meets Jesus?

2. What was the first sign Saul had that something unusual was going on?

3. Why did Saul "fall to the ground?"

4. When he asks, "Who are you, Lord?" did he know he was talking to Jesus?

Explain your answer.

5. Explain Jesus' reply in 9:5.

6. Compare 9:4, 7 with 26:14. Many try to show this as an error by the Holy Spirit. Do you think it is? Why?

7. Compare 9:7 and 22:9. Again, is this an error?

8. Why was Saul blind?

9. Why didn't Jesus just tell Saul what to do to be saved?

10. How long was it before Saul became a Christian?

11. What was he doing during this time?


1. Who was the preacher who taught Saul?

2. How did he find Saul?

3. Was he anxious to go to Saul? Why?

4. From the three texts (Chap. 9, 22, & 26) construct an outline of what Ananias told Saul.

5. What mission was Saul chosen to accomplish?

6. How did Saul regain his sight?


1. What did he do as soon after his conversion as practical?

2. Where all did he go?

3. What was the reaction of the listeners?

4. What was the reaction of the Jewish leaders?

5. How did he escape?

6. As a new convert should he have gone out preaching so soon? Why?

7. Why did the brethren in Jerusalem reject him?

8. Why was he finally accepted?

On your map, show Saul's travels through the 9th & l0th chapters.


1. Describe the five characteristics of the church that is noted in 9:31.






2. Who was Aeneas?

3. What was wrong with Aeneas?

4. Who healed him?

5. What was the result ?


1. What is another name for Dorcas?

2. Name three things we know about her.




3. Where was Peter when they sent for him? (Locate both cities on your map.)

4. Why was he summoned? (I don't believe it was to raise Dorcus from the dead. The Apostles were not going about raising people from the dead. Stephen would have been a great opportunity for that.)

5. What does this account mean to us in reference to the hope that we have?

6. What effect did this have on the citizens of Joppa

7. What similarities do we see between this account and the account of Jesus raising Lazarus?


1. Name five things we know about Cornelius.






2. Who told Cornelius to send men to Joppa?

3. Why was Cornelius afraid?

4. Why was he to send for Peter?

Meanwhile in Joppa

5. Why was Peter on the housetop?

6. What was lowered from heaven in Peter's vision?

7. What was in it?

8. What was Peter told to do with it?

9. Why did that seem like a strange request for Peter? Was he still keeping the law of Moses?

10. How many times was the sheet lowered in the vision

11. Who spoke to Peter in the vision?

12. Did Peter understand what the vision meant?

13. When did he understand?

14. Who told Peter there was someone looking for him?

15. What instructions was he given by the Holy Spirit?

16. Did Peter accompany Cornelius' men to Joppa? Who went with them?


1. Who was with Cornelius waiting on Peter?

2. What strange thing did Cornelius do when Peter came in? Why do you suppose he did it?

3. What was Peter's response?

4. Why did Peter refer to himself as a "Jewish man?"

5. Was there any doubt in Cornelius' mind about God being the source of Peter's


6. What is the focus of the message Peter preached to the household of Cornelius?

7. Give a brief summation of his message.

8. Why did the Holy Spirit fall on those who were hearing the word?

A. Could they now speak in tongues?

B. Were they now saved from their sins?

C. Were they now Apostles?

D. Was this a mark of acceptance?

9. What was the reaction from the Christians? Why?

10. Why did these have to be baptized while the Apostles did not have to be baptized on Pentecost?



1. What was the attitude of the Church concerning the conversions in the household of Cornelius? Why?

2. What did the apostles think about the matter?

3. Are they complaining about Peter baptizing the Gentiles?

4. Did Peter report anything that he was not a "first-hand" witness of?

5. What was their attitude after Peter's news?

A. Was it accepted?

B. Did they murmur about it?

C. Did they feel forced to accept it?

6. Why was their attitude one of "joy?"


1. Locate the following on your map:

A. Phoenicia

B. Cyprus

C. Cyrene (where the word is now being spread)

D. Antioch

E. Samaria (where Philip was preaching)

F. Damascus (where Saul was preaching)

G. Arabia

H. Judea, Samaria, & Galilee (where Peter was preaching)

2. What type of response to the gospel is there in these far away places?


1. What qualities does Luke tell us that Barnabas had?

2. Why was Barnabas sent to Antioch?

A. Was he to impart spiritual gifts? Why?

B. Was he merely to exhort the brethren?

3. What do we know about Antioch?

4. Who did Barnabas go get to help him in Antioch?

5. How long did they work together in Antioch?

6. What significant revelation came at this time?

A. How does Isa. 62:2 relate to this revelation?

B. Why was the name not revealed before now?


1. Who is Agabus?

A. What did he prophesy?

B. Did it come to pass? When?

2. Why did Barnabas & Saul go to Judea?

3. To whom was the relief given?

A. How far reaching was the famine to be?

B. Why didn't they save the relief for themselves?


1. What happened to James?

A. Who was responsible?

B. Why would he care about the church?

C. What Herod is this? Tell what you can find our about him.

2. What happened to Peter?

A. Why did Agrippa have him arrested?

B. How heavy a guard was Peter under? Why?

C. What was the church doing for him?

3. How did Peter get out of prison?

A. Who released him?

B. What did he, at first, think was happening?

C. Where did he go?

1) Who was Mary? (see also Col. 4:10)

2) Who was Rhoda?

3) Who else was there?

4) Why do you suppose they were there?

D. Who did they think it must be at the door? (compare with Matthew 18:10; Hebrews 1:14)

E. Why did he go there?

F. Did he go forth boldly proclaiming the gospel as the apostles had done before? Why?

4. What happened with Herod and his soldiers the next morning?

5. Where did Herod go from Jerusalem? Why?

6. How did Herod finally die? Why?

7. What effect did these events have on the people?

8. Where did Barnabas and Saul go when they were finished with their mission in Judea?

9. Who did they bring with them? What do we know about him?

A. Who was his mother?

B. Who converted him to Christ? (see 1 Peter 5:13)

The narrative of Luke now takes on a different purpose. No longer will we be looking at the spread of the church, but certain prominent events in the career of the apostle Paul. The book now takes on the character of a biography.



1. Locate and underline on the map the following places:

A. Place of Paul's birth (22:3)

B. Place of his early schooling (22:3)

C. Place of his conversion (22:10,16)

2. Connect on the map the following cities with a red pencil in the order they are given:

A. Antioch of Syria I. Derbe

B. Seleucia J. Lystra

C. Salamis K. Iconium

D. Paphos L. Antioch in Pisidia

E. Perga M. Perga

F. Antioch in Pisidia N. Attalia

G. Iconium O. Antioch in Syria

H. Lystra

3. Shade the bodies of water blue and the provinces various other colors.

4. Questions:

A. Where did the first public preaching take place on this first evangelistic tour? (13:5)

B Who was Bar-jesus and where did he live? (13:6,13)

C. Where was it that John Mark turned back to Jerusalem? (1.3:13)

D. What were the results of Paul's preaching in Antioch of Pisidia? (13:42-52)

E. Where was the impotent man healed and what effect did it have on the city? (14:8-13)

F. Where was it that Paul was almost stoned to death? (14:19-21)



1. From Jerusalem to Damascus, 140 miles - about 36-37 A.D.

2. From Damascus to Arabia and return, anywhere from 200-600 miles

- about 36-39 A.D.

3. From Damascus to Jerusalem, 140 miles - about 39 A. D.

4. From Jerusalem to Tarsus (via Caesarea), 375 miles - about 39 A. D.

5. From Tarsus to Antioch, 80 miles - about 42 A. D.

6. From Antioch to Jerusalem and return, 600 miles - about 44 A.D.


BETWEEN 44 - 50 A.D. -- (ACTS 13:1 THRU 15:35)

1. Antioch to Selucia, 16 miles

2. Selucia to Salamis, about 75 miles

3. Salamis to Paphos, 100 miles

4. Paphos to Perga on the Cestrus River, 170 miles

5. Perga to Antioch of Pisidia, 120 miles

6. Antioch to Iconium, 90 miles

7. Iconium to Lystra, 40 miles

8. Lystra to Derbe, 20 miles

9. From Derbe back to Lystra, Iconium, Antioch and Perga, 270 miles

10. Perga to Attalia, 16 miles

11. Attalia to Seleucia, 284 miles

12. Seleucia to Antioch, 16 miles.

Traveled about 1,217 miles, 688 of it by land, and 529 by water, and they were gone about four years- Paul and Barnabas made the trip and they were accompanied by John Mark till he turned back at Perga.

(Between the first and second missionary journeys Paul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem and returned to Antioch, A D. 50, a distance of about 600 miles. Acts. 15.)



1. Who are listed as being present at the church in Antioch?








2. Now go back and write beside each one what we know about them.

(Do some research if you don't know who they are; share it with the class.)

3. What were they doing when the Holy Spirit came and spoke to them?

What does that mean?

4. Who was sent out by the Holy Spirit?


1. How were they sent out?

2. Where did they begin their preaching? Who to?

3. Who was with them?

4. Who was Bar-Jesus?

A. His trade?

B. Why did he seek Barnabas & Saul?

C. What is his translated name?

5. Who was Sergius Paulus?

A. His trade?

B. His attitude toward Paul & Barnabas?

C. What caused him to become a believer?

6. What did Paul accuse Elymas of? How did he know?

7. Where did John leave them? Where did he go?

8. Why did they go into the synagogue on the Sabbath day?

9. On another piece of paper outline Paul's speech to the Jews in the synagogue at Antioch of Pisidia.

10. What were the people's attitude toward his message?

11. What was the attitude of the leading Jews?

12. What did Paul charge the Jews with?

13. What were they now going to do?

14. What was the reaction of the Gentiles?

15. What was the reaction of the leading Jews?

16. What did Paul & Barnabas do to show their disgust for them?


1. How did the people of Iconium react to the preaching of the gospel?

2. Were they teaching both Jews & Gentiles?

3. What did the Jews who disbelieved do?

4. What did they seek to do to the apostles?

5. What did the apostles do about it?

6. What miracle was done in Lyconia?

7. What did the Lyconians think had happened?

8. What did they Call Paul & Barnabas? What did these names mean?

9. How did the apostles react to being worshipped?

10. What happened when the Jews came from Iconium and Antioch?

11. How did they get away? Where did they go?

12. Why did they go back into these towns?

13. What did they do when they got back to Antioch?

14. What was the brethren's reaction to their trip?





Using a red pencil connect the following places in the order given.

(1) Antioch in Syria, (2) Lystra, (5) Phrygia, (6) Galatia, (7) Troas,

(8) Philippi, (9) Amphipolis, (10) Apollonia, (11) Thessalonica, (12) Berea,

(13) Athens, (14) Corinth, (15) Cenchrea, (16) Ephesus, (17) Caesarea,

(18) Jerusalem, and (19) Antioch in Syria.

Shade all bodies of water blue and the provinces various colors.


1. Preceding the second evangelistic tour what did Paul do? (15:1,2)

2. After the dispute with Barnabas whom did Paul select to go with him? (15:36-40)

3. What did he do in Syria and Cilicia? (15:41)

4. Who was it that joined Paul's company? (16:1)

5. Why could they not preach any longer in Asia? (16:6)

6. Where was Paul when the vision appeared to him? (16:8-9)

7. Who were Paul's first converts in Europe? (16:14-15)

8. What did Paul & Silas do while they were in prison in Philippi? (16:25)

9. What were the results in Thessalonica? (17:4)

10. Why were the Berean's more noble? (17:11)

11. How long did Paul remain in Corinth after coming there from Athens? (18:11)

12. Why did Paul not remain in Ephesis longer? (18:20-21)

13. After Paul had gone to Jerusalem to salute the church what did he do? (18:22)


FROM 50 - 53 A.D.

ACTS 15:36 THRU 18:22


1. Antioch to Tarsus of Cilicia, 80 miles.

2. Tarsus to Derbe, 125 miles.

3. Derbe to Lystra, Iconium, and to Antioch (Phrygia), 150 miles.

4. Phrygia through Galatia, 250 miles.

5. Galatia to Troas, 350 miles.

6. Troas to Samonthrace, 80 miles.

7. Samonthrace to Neapolis, 80 miles.

8. Neapolis to Philippi, 10 miles.

9. Philippi to Amphipolis, 35 miles.

10. Amphipolis to Apollonia, 30 miles.

11. Apollonia to Thessalonica, 35 miles.

12. Thessalonica to Berea, 60 miles.

13. Berea to Athens, 300 miles.

14. Athens to Corinth, 40 miles. (Here he wrote 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 51 A.D.)

15. Corinth to Cenchrea, 10 miles.

16. Cenchrea to Ephesus, 200 miles.

17. Ephesus to Caesarea, 600 miles.

18. Caesarea to Jerusalem, 50 miles.

19. Jerusalem to Antioch, 300 miles.

The journey was a total distance of 2,785 miles.


(Chapter 15)

The disagreement from Judea

1. What was the disagreement?

2. Did Paul & Silas agree with them?

3. What was decided would be done to settle it?

On the way to Jerusalem

1. Who sent them out?

2. Who did they meet with along the way?

3. What did they report?

4. What was the reaction of the Jews when they heard of the Gentiles' conversions?


1. Where did they go in Jerusalem?

2. Who spoke up for circumcision?

3. Why didn't the apostles and elders answer right away?

4. Who spoke up against the Gentiles being circumcised?

5. What logic did Peter use to show that circumcision is no longer demanded?





6. What did Paul & Barnabas tell them?

7. What points did James make?





8. What was the letter about that they sent out?

Back to Antioch

1. Who did they deliver the letter to?

2. What was their reaction?

3. Who were Judas and Silas?

4. What did Paul decide to do?

5. Why did Paul not want to take John Mark with them?

6. Did Paul and Barnabas ever agree about John Mark?

7. Who went with Paul? Barnabas?


1. Who did Paul circumcise in Lystra? Why?

2. What were they doing as they were passing through the cities?

3. Why did they not preach Jesus in Asia?

4. Why did they not go to Bithynia?

5. How did they know to go to Macedonia?

In Philippi....

1. When and why did they go to the riverside?

2. Who did they find there?

3. What can you tell about Lydia?




4. What happened with her?

5. What did Paul do with the slave girl?

6. Why was he annoyed at her?

7. What was the charges against Paul & Silas? Who made the charges? Why?

8. What did the crowd do to them?

9. How did Paul & Silas get out of jail?

10. Why was the jailer trying to kill himself?

11. What made him know to ask for salvation?

12. Where did he take Paul & Silas? Why?

13. Why did they want to release Paul & Silas in secret?

14. Why did Paul not want to go in that fashion?

15. Why were the authorities afraid?



Preaching and Persecution in Thessalonica

1. How long did Paul preach in the synagogue at Thessalonica?

2. What did he preach?

3. Who were among those who became believers?

4. Who was it that formed the angry mob that sought Paul and Silas?

5. Where did they go to seize them?

6. What did they do to Jason and some of the other brethren?

7. What did they accuse Paul and Silas of?

8. What did they accuse Jason of?

9. Why did they release Jason and those with him?

Success in Berea

1. How did Paul and Silas get away from the angry mob in Thessalonica?

2. Where did Paul and Silas go when they got to Berea?

3. What was different about the Jews there than in Thessalonica?

4. Who were those who believed in Berea?

5. Who was it that stirred up the crowds in Berea against them?

6. Why did Paul leave Silas and Timothy?

7. Where did Paul go to wait for them?

Paul in Athens

1. Why was Paul's spirit stirred within him?

2. Where did Paul preach in Athens?

3. Who was wanting to carry on the discussion with him? Why?

4. What did they think of Paul's teaching initially?

5. What was a great pass-time of the Athenians?

6. Outline Paul's speech at the Areopagus.

7. What was their reaction to Paul's message?


(Chapter 18:1-22)

Paul Begins the Work in Corinth

1. Who are Aquilla and Priscilla?

2. Why were they in Corinth?

3. What did Paul have in common with them?

4. Where did Paul preach in Corinth?

The arrival of Silas and Timothy, and a Breach with the Jews

1. What was the reaction of the Jews to Paul's testimony?

2. How did Paul react?

3. Where did Paul say he was going with the gospel of Christ?

4. What is said of the success of Paul's teaching?

5. Who spoke to Paul in a vision?

6. What did He tell Paul?

7. How long did Paul stay in Corinth?

Paul Arraigned before Gallio

1. Who was Gallio?

2. What charge was made against Paul?

3. What was Gallio's reaction to these charges?

4. Why did they beat Sosthenes? Who was he?

Paul's return to Antioch

1. Who accompanied Paul back to Syria?

2. What did Paul do in Cenchrea?

3. What did Paul do in Ephesus?

4. Who did he leave there?

5. What promise did he make to the Ephesians?

6. What did he do when he got back home?



Using a red pencil connect the following places in the order given.

(1) Antioch in Syria, (2) Galatia, (3) Phrygia, (4) Ephesus, (5) Troas,

(6) Macedonia, (7) Achaia (Greece), (8) Philippi, (9) Troas, (10) Assos,

(11) Mitylene, (12) Chios, (13) Samos, (14) Miletus, (15) Cos, (16) Rhodes

(17) Patara, (18) Tyre, (19) Ptolemais, (20) Caesarea, (21) Jerusalem.

Shade all bodies of water blue and the provinces various colors.


(From 53 - 58 A.D.; Acts 18:23 through 21:17)

1. Antioch to Tarsus, 80 miles.

2. Through the regions o Galatia, Phrygia and to Ephesus, 500-600 miles. While at Ephesus he wrote First Corinthians in the spring of 57 A.D.

3. Ephesus to Troas, 130 miles, (see 2 Cor. 2:12-13).

4. Troas to Philippi (Macedonia), 170 miles. While in Macedonia he wrote

2 Corinthians in the summer of 57 A.D.

5. Macedonia to Illyricum and return, 250 miles. (see Rom. 15:19)

6. Philippi (Macedonia) to Greece (Corinth), 500 miles. while at Corinth he wrote Galatians and Romans about 57-58 A.D.

7. Corinth to Philippi, 500 miles.

8. Philippi to Troas, 170 miles.

9. Troas to Assos, 19 miles.

10. Assos to Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Trogyllium, and Miletus, 170 miles from Troas.

11. From Miletus to Cos, Rhodes, Patara of Lycia, Tyre of Phoenicia, Ptolemais and to Caesarea, 565 miles from Miletus.

12. Caesarea to Jerusalem, 50 miles. Here he was arrested and became a prisoner. He was taken to Caesarea and held a prisoner for 2 yrs., 58-60 A. D., 50 miles.

This total journey was 3,205 to 3,250 miles.


Paul leaves Antioch of Syria

1. What was Paul doing as he passed through the Galatian and Phrygian Regions?

Apollos comes to Ephesus

1. Who was Apollos?

2. What was he teaching?

3. How was his knowledge limited?

4. Who taught him the way of God more accurately?

5. What do you suppose they taught him?

6. What did Apollos do in Achaia?

7. How did he demonstrate that Jesus was the Christ?

PAUL AT EPHESUS (Chapter 19:1-10)

Consider the Information at the Beginning of this Chapter.

1. What is a disciple?

2. Does the term disciple mean the same as the term Christian?

3. What can we know about when the Holy Spirit is given?

Paul with the Ephesians

1. Were these Ephesians Christians?

2. What were they lacking?

3. What was the difference between "John's baptism" and "baptism in the name of the Lord?"

4. Did they receive the Holy Spirit?

Paul's Teaching in the Synagogue and School

1. How long did Paul teach in the synagogue?

2. What means did he use? (Was it using the miraculous?)

3. How often did he reason with the men in the school of Tyrannus?

4. How long did Paul teach in Asia?

MIRACLES AT EPHESUS (Chapter 19:11-41)

Many Extraordinary Miracles by the Hands of Paul

1. What was being done with the aprons carried from Paul's body?

2. What were the Jewish exorcists doing? Why?

3. Who was Sceva?

4. What did his seven sons do?

5. What happened to Sceva's sons?

6. What effect did all this have on the Ephesians?

The Magic Arts of Ephesus

1. What did those who practiced the magic arts do when they became believers?

2. How much were the books that were burned worth?

Paul's Planned Travels

1. Where all did Paul plan to go?

2. Who did Paul send for?

Demetrius the Silversmith

1. What was Demetrius' business that made him wealthy?

2. What complaint did he have with Paul (along with the other tradesmen)?



3. Who was the goddess that they were worshipping?

4. Who did these men seize in their rage?

5. Why didn't Paul go rescue them?

The Assembly

1. Why was there so much Confusion?

2. Who was Alexander? Why could he not speak to the assembly at first?

3. What claim did the town clerk make concerning their goddess?

4. What did he reason with the people that gave Alexander a chance to speak?

5. What was his rebuke of the crowd?

6. What was the outcome of this rebuke?


Paul in Macedonia and Greece

1. How long did Paul spend in Greece?

2. Why did he determine to leave Greece?

3. Where did he go?

4. Who all was Paul traveling with?

5. How might we know that Luke joins Paul in Philippi?

6. What did they do in Troas?

7. Who was Eutychus? What happened to him?

8. What did Paul do about it?

9. What is the difference between the "breaking of bread" of v7 and the "breaking of bread" in vll? How do you know?

From Troas to Miletus

1. Why did Paul take a somewhat different route than Luke and the others? How was it different?

2. Why didn't Paul want to stop in Ephesus.

Paul's Farewell to Ephesus

1. Who did Paul ask to see at Miletus?

2. How did Paul know he was to soon be taken prisoner?

3. Did he plan to meet them again on a later date?

4. What was the reaction of the elders?

5. What did he warn them of?

6. Where were these false teachers to come from?

7. In what ways did Paul show to be an example among them?

PAUL RETURNS HOME (Chapter 21:1-17)

Paul Sails from Miletus

1. What type of ships were they having to go on?

2. Why did they land in Tyre?

3. How long did they stay in Tyre?

4. Why did they tell Paul not to go to Jerusalem?

5. Who accompanied Paul and his company out of the city?

6. How long did they stay in Ptolemais?

7. Where did they stay in Caesarea?

8. What does it mean he was "one of the seven" in v8?

9. What do we know about Philip's daughters?

10. Who was Agabus? Where was he from?

11. What did he prophesy?

12. How did he illustrate his prophecy?

13. Why did Paul rebuke them.

14. What was the difference between their attitude & Paul's?

Paul at Jerusalem

1. Why did Paul go to Jerusalem?

2. Who joined the company of Paul and the others?

3. Who was Mnason?

4. How were they received in Jerusalem?



Using a red pencil connect the following places in the order given.

(1) Jerusalem, (2) Antipatris, (3) Caesarea, (4) Sidon, (5) Myra, (6) Crete (the Fair Havens), (7) Melita, (8) Syracuse, (9) Rhegium, (10) Puteoli, (11) Appii Forum and Three Taverns, and (12) Rome.




ACTS 27:1 - 28:16

1. Caesarea to Sidon, 80 miles.

2. Around Cyprus to Myra of Lycia, about 400 miles.

3. Myra to Cnidus on Coast of Caria, 130 miles.

4. Cnidus to Fair Havens on Island of Crete, 250 miles.

5. Fair Havens to Clauda, 25 miles.

6. Clauda to Melita Island, 475 miles.

7. Melita to Syracuse on the Island of Sicily, 100 miles.

8. Syracuse to Rhegium on the toe of the Italian boot, 100 miles.

9. Rhegium to Puteoli n Italy, 200 miles from Rhegium and 150 miles from Rome.

10. Puteoli to Appii Forum, 100 miles.

11. Appii Forum to Three Taverns, 15 miles.

12. Three Taverns to Rome, 35 miles. Rome was a city of 1,200,000 inhabitants.

600,000 of them were slaves and 400,000 were paupers in idleness and being supported by free distribution of food. Only 200,000 of the entire population were free and self-supporting. Here Paul was held as prisoner for some two years or more and then it is inferred that he was released for a lack of charges. While here he wrote Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians and possibly Hebrews.




ABOUT 64 - 67 A. D.

1. Rome, where he was released, to Apollonia in Illyricum.

2. Apollonia through Greece to Ephesus. (see Phil. 1:22; 2:19-24; I Tim. 1:3)

3. Ephesus to Philippi.

4. Philippi to Thessalonica.

5. Thessalonica to Berea.

6. Berea to Corinth.

7. Corinth to Crete. (See Titus 1:5)

8. Crete to Nicopolis of Greece. (See Titus 3:12)

9. Nicopolis through Macedonia to Troas. (See II Tim. 4:13; 4:20) While here in Macedonia he wrote First Timothy and Titus, about 65 - 66 A.D.

10. Troas to Ephesus. (See II Tim. 4:9-11)

11. Ephesus to Rome as a prisoner, during this imprisonment he wrote 2 Timothy

about 66 - 67 A.D.

12. Beheaded a few miles from Rome about 67 - 68 A.D. Thus ends the history of one of the greatest human souls that ever lived!!

PAUL'S IMPRISONMENT IN JERUSALEM (Chapter 21:17 through 23:30)

This Begins Paul's Five Years of Imprisonment

(chapter 21:17 through 28:31)

His Reception by the Elders, and their Advice

1. Was Paul sure that his service would be accepted by the saints at Jerusalem? (See also Rom. 15:30-31)

2. The remarks by James, and the elders of the Jerusalem church show the following:

a. (20) That the believing Jews were _______________ for the law.

b. (21) They continued to _______________their children.

c. (23, 24) Purifications of the law, though they involved in some instances the offering of sacrifices, were still regarded as (proper/improper) for Christians. (Underline one)

d. (25) Were any of these observances bound on the Gentiles?

e. What was bound on the Gentiles?

f. What of the above do you believe is bound on us today? Why?

3. What accusations were brought against Paul concerning his teaching about the law? Were they true? (see v. 21)




4. Why did Paul go through the Jewish purification with the four men?

5. How might I Corinthians 9:20-22 be applied here?

6. How do we reconcile the following passages with the actions of Paul in Jerusalem? (Gal. 3:24-25; Rom. 7:4, Gal. 5:6; 6:15; I Cor. 7:19)

(To better understand these passages you may want to go back and review Numbers 6:2-12 ----- see also Lev. 15:1-30)

Please note that no more can be read into these passages than the context will allow. We are dealing with a time and a people who were in a unique situation. They had been taught and bound by one law of God and being introduced to another law of God. None of us, nor no one we come into contact with, is in the same circumstance. You cannot compare this to the denominationalist who becomes a Christian because the doctrines of denominationalism is not the law of God.

Paul is Assailed by the Mob, and Arrested by the Chief Captain

1. What did the Jews from Asia accuse Paul of?





2. Of which of these charges was Paul guilty?

3. Who grabbed Paul and dragged him out of the temple?

4. What were they doing to him?

5. Who saved him from probably being beaten to death? Why?

6. What did the mob say Paul had done?

7. Where was Paul taken? Why?

Paul Obtains Permission to Address the Mob

1. Who did the commander think Paul was?

2. What made him see that Paul was not this noted criminal?

3. Why was he given permission to speak to the mob?

4. What language did Paul address them in?

Paul's Address to the Mob

1. What caused the crowd to quiet down as Paul began to speak? Why?

2. On a separate sheet of paper outline Paul's speech using these main headings:

I. An account of himself before his conversion v.1-5

II. An account of his conversion v.6-16

III. His mission to the Gentiles v.17-21

The Immediate Effects of His Speech

1. What was the mob's reaction?

2. How did the commander decide to "get to the bottom of it?"

3. What did Paul say to the centurion that caused him to report back to the commander before carrying out his orders?

4. What did the commander do?

5. What was his reaction to this news?

Paul is Brought Before the Sanhedrin

1. What now did the commander decide to do to dispose of this matter?

2. Why did Ananias have Paul struck on the mouth?

3. What caused Paul to apologize for his outburst of anger?

4. What tactic did Paul use to divide the assembly?

5. Describe the differences between the Sadducees and the Pharisees.

6. Why did the commander seize Paul again and bring back to the barracks?

Paul is Encouraged by a Vision

1. Who spoke to Paul in the vision?

2. What was the purpose of the message?

3. Where was Paul eventually to go to be a witness of Jesus?

A Conspiracy Formed and Exposed

1. Who formed the conspiracy?

2. What oath did they make?

3. Who did these more than 40 men convince to help them with the conspiracy?

4. What happened when Paul's nephew heard of the plot?

5. What did the commander decide to do with Paul?

Paul is Removed to Caesarea

1. How much guard did the commander send with Paul?

2. Who did he send him to?

3. Note the letter sent with them to Felix:

a. Is the statement in v.27 true?

b. What was the commander's assessment of Paul's guilt?

c. What did he want Felix to do about it?

Paul is Delivered to Felix

1. Where did the main body of Paul's escort turn back to the barracks?

2. What did Felix decide to do with Paul?

3. Where was Paul to stay in the mean time?

PAUL'S IMPRISONMENT IN CAESAREA (Chapter 24:1 through 26:32)

Paul is Accused before Felix (Chap. 24:1-9)

1. Who made the formal charges against Paul?

2. Who is the governor hearing the charges?

3. What charges are made against Paul?

Make an Outline of Paul's Defense (Chap. 24:10-21)

Did Paul answer each of the charges?

Felix's Response (Chap. 24:22-23)

1. Why would Felix have had knowledge of the Way?

2. What did Felix decide to do?

3. Why do you feel Felix did not want to make a decision on this day?

4. What type of custody was Paul placed in?

Paul Preaches to Felix and Drusilla (Chap. 24:24-27)

1. Concerning Drusilla:

a. Who was she?

b. What was her religious background?

2. Paul preached concerning:




3. What was Felix's attitude toward Paul's preaching?

4. What reason did Felix continue to hold Paul?

5. How long did Felix hold Paul?

6. Who was Porcius Festus?

7. Why did Felix leave Paul imprisoned after he left office?

Paul's Trial Before Festus (Chap. 25:1-12)

1. Where was Festus hearing the charges against Paul?

2. Who was making these charges?

3. What did they want Festus to do with Paul? Why?

4. What did Festus decide that they needed to do?

5. What is said of the charges that were brought against Paul?




6. How did Paul plead to the charges?

7. What did Festus want Paul to do? Why?

8. What court did Paul want to be judged in?

9. Why did Paul not want to go to Jerusalem?

10. What was Festus' reaction to Paul's request?

Paul's Case Stated to King Agrippa - (Chap. 25:13-22)

1. Who are Bernice and King Agrippa?

2. What were they doing in Caesarea?

3. What did Festus tell them about Paul?

a. How did Festus wind up with the problem?

b. How did he perceive the charges against Paul?

c. Why did he say he wanted Paul to go to Jerusalem?

4. What did Agrippa want to do with Paul?

Paul's Case Publicly Stated (Chap. 25:23-27)

1. Why was Paul brought in with great pomp into the auditorium?

2. What dilemma was Festus in as he wanted to write the charges?

3. What did he hope King Agrippa would do for him?


(Chap. 26:1-29)

The Immediate Result of the Speech - (Chap. 26:30-32)

1. What did Agrippa judge concerning the charges?

2. Why didn't they turn him loose?


(Chap. 27:1 through 28:16)

From Caesarea to Fair Havens (Chap. 27:1-8)

1. What did Paul ask that the church in Rome pray for on his behalf?

(See Rom. 15:30-33)

a. "That I be delivered from ____________________________________."

b. "My service which I have for Jerusalem may be _______________________."

c. "That I may _________________________ with joy by the will of God."

d. "and may with you be _____________________________"

2. Who did they deliver Paul to?

3. Who accompanied Paul?

4. Where was the ship heading?

5. Where was their first stop?

6. What did the centurion, Julius, do for Paul at Sidon?

7. Who was Aristarchus? (See also Acts 20:4; Col. 4:10)

8. What did they do at Myra?

a. What kind of ship was it? What was its freight? (see V. 38)

b. How many were on board? (See V. 37)

9. What kind of weather were they facing?

10. How did the weather effect their travel?

Discussion about Continuing the Voyage (27:9-12)

1. What was their reasoning for considering waiting to continue their voyage?

(see Lev. 23:26-27) (Notice that the 7th Jewish month is our Oct.)

2. What did Paul believe would happen if they continued?

3. Did the captain of the ship agree? Who did they follow?

4. Where did they set sail for? What was the advantage?

5. Who had control of the ship (the say-so)?

A Vain Attempt to Reach Phoenix (27:13-26)

1. What did they wait on before they could leave for Phoenix?

2. What happened after they were well away from Fair Havens?

3. What three things did they do to try to gain control of the ship?




4. On the third day what did they do?

5. Did any of this do any good?

6. How did they react as the storm continued?

7. What did Paul say was going to be the outcome?

8. How did he know?

The Ship at Anchor, and Paul on the Watch (27:27-32)

1. How long had they peen being beaten about by the storm?

2. How did they know they were approaching land?

3. Why were they laying out the anchor?

4. Why were some of the men lowering the lifeboat?

5. What did Paul say would happen if these men left ship?

Please note the following lesson. Paul had been promised by God that harm would come to none of them. But, Paul warned that if the seamen took the boat and set out for land on their own, none would be saved.

"From this we gather this lesson: When God makes any promise, the realization of that promise depends on our assigned response to that promise. When we fail to obey, God is under no obligation to give us what He has promised."

Paul Comforts the Crew, and the Ship is Lightened (27:33-38)

1. What did Paul encourage them to do?

2. What did Paul do?

3. How many were on board?

4. What did they now do that the ship might run closer to shore?

The Ship is Stranded, But the Men Escape (27:39-44)

1. What were they trying to do when they ran into the rocks?

2. What did the soldiers want to do with the prisoners? Why?

3. Why didn't the centurion go along with that idea?

4. Did they all make it safely to land?

Paul Escapes another Peril (28:1-6)

1. Where had they landed?

2. What happened to Paul as he helped with the fire?

3. What did the natives think was happening?

4. Why was Paul not harmed by the viper?

5. What did the natives think about Paul as they waited in vain for him to swell up and die?

Paul's Usefulness in Melita (28:7-.10) .

1. Who was Publius?

2. What did Paul do with Publius' father?

3. What was the reaction of the island natives?

4. Who is the "us" of v.10?

The Journey Completed (28:11-16)

1. How long did they have to stay on the island?

2. How were they able to continue on their journey?

3. Where all did they stop? How long did they stay at each place?

4. Where all did Paul meet brethren?

5. What type of guard was Paul under in Rome?


(Chap. 28:17-31)

Paul Obtains an Interview with the Leading Jews (28:17-22)

1. Why did Paul say that he was taken prisoner?

2. What had the Romans found to charge him with?

3. Why was Paul forced, then, to appeal to Caesar?

4. Why did Paul desire to speak to the Jewish leaders?

5. Had they heard about Paul from the Judean Jews?

6. What was their concern about Paul's beliefs?

A second Interview with the Jews (28:23-28)

1. Try to reconstruct what Paul would have surely said to the Jews on this occasion. Use your previous outlines of his speeches. What did he constantly teach?

2. What was the response to Paul's message?

3. What did Paul tell them by the quote from Isaiah as they were leaving?

4. What did Paul conclude concerning the Gentiles?

5. What reaction did the Jews have?

Duration of the Imprisonment, and Continued Labors (28:30-31)

1. How was Paul's imprisonment? (What kind of guard; quarters)

2. What did he use his time doing?

3. Did the Jews or the Romans try to stop him from teaching?