No way to please God without faith in him
B. Gen. 1:1
Acts 17:28
D. Acts 27:25 Wouldnt it be good if we had that kind of faith.
A lot of people dont believe in God today.
F. Have you tried to instill that in your young people?
Relate story
B. Jesus Told Nicodemus must be born again.
Some think children of God by a Physical birth.
D. Spiritual stand point must be born again.
If had been Jews under O.T. Economy would be child of God by Physical birth.
F. Gal. 3:26-27
Two elements to this Spiritual New Birth.
H. Some think by Holy Spirit and hard to explain as wind that blows.
No reference to that Cant see if a man is truly obedient as you cant see the wind.
When I hear the word, believe, repent, confess Jesus, and be baptized into Him then been born again.
One of Great Bible musts.
#3 JOHN 4:24 Must worship Him in Spirit and Truth
A. Jesus talking to the woman at the well
Two elements just like in New birth Two elements in Worship.
Being an Elder is a grave responsibility
B. Tells the church to Obey, submit yourselves.
They must give an account.
D. When call on us not to forsake the assembly to be busy in Lords work. Not that just want to kill time. They must give an account.
Not too many say want to be an elder.
F. Give an account of
A lot of churches dont have elders a lot dont want them.
H. Need to encourage good men to be elders.
When go to a lawyer.
When does your last will and testament become of force?
Must die Physically.
D. Came effective at death of Jesus on the cross.
Turns were made known in Acts 2:
F. Gal. 6:2
What ever told to do is going to be a must.
B. What was he told.
Acts 22:16
D. Saul stricken blind three days. Calls on Ananias appears to him and says. Acts 22:16.
What must he do? Arise be baptized for what ?
F. Some say sins away on Road to Damascus.
Why appear to him?
Not an option Will all be there.
Must be ready for this occasion.
C. Must hear the word, believe, repent, confess and be baptized live under the New