
(Luke 10:2)  And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”



Some simple things you can do to do your part in the work God has given us to do.


I am convinced that we all want to see the seed of God sown in this area.  To that end here are some very simple things that we individually can do that will have a great impact.  The question is, will you be among those who will do these things?



I.   Courage

2.   Opportunities

3.   Visitors

4.   Baptisms

5.   The lost you know in your life to seek God

6. The lost that others are working to     evangelize



I.   Hand cards to your friends, acquaintances, & relatives

2.   Leave cards at restaurant tables

3. Hand cards to those who serve you (hairdresser, teller, etc)

4.   Send cards to people you know

5.   Leave cards at your place of employment

6.   Anywhere you can!



I.   To have a Bible study to learn more about the Bible

2.   To worship services             

3.   To Bible studies: ladies class, Friday night class, etc.

4.   To visit the website

5.   To do a Bible study by mail

6.   To your home

7.   To read "the Bible with you

8.   To participate with you in one of your recreations to build a relationship so you can discuss spiritual things.



I.   Directly by asking spiritual questions like:

      “Do you go to church?”

      If so. “Where and what do they believe?”

      If not,  Why not?”

      “Do you read the Bible?”

“Do you believe there is a God?”

      “What do you think happens when we die?”

Also, it is a great door opener to tell others how God has changed your life.


2.   Indirectly  - Say things to the lost like:

      “I learned an interesting fact at church  services the other day”

      “You remind me of someone I know at church”

      “I really enjoyed church services this week because….”



1.  Attend

2.  Be early, or at least on time--you cannot greet visitors when you are late. Plus, habitual tardiness shows that other things are more important.

3.  Be enthusiastic about being at services. If you look miserable, others will not want to stay.

4.  Immediately greet and converse with all you do not know.

5.  Give visitors a visitor packet and visitor card with a pen.

6.  Tell visitors about Bible classes, intermissions, and any other parts of our service that they need information about.

7.  Sing and pray in spirit and in truth with all your heart. Do your part to excel in worship.

8.  Immediately speak to visitors after services conclude.

9.  Invite visitors to return, to have a Bible study, to your home, to lunch/dinner, and to anything that you are doing.

10. Stay a while afterward to speak to everyone. Do not make it appear that you are dying to leave. Be glad to be at services.



1.  Help others with spiritual, physical, or emotional needs.  Your comfort now will give an opportunity to share Christ.

2.  Always live your life knowing that others are watching you. Make sure all people see Christ in you, which will spark some to want to know more.

3.  Remember that none of these things require eloquent speech or vast amounts of Bible knowledge. Simply tell people about who you are, what you are doing, and invite them to join you.

4.  Expect positive results! Too often we expect failure and thus we find failure. There are people who want to know about the Bible. Do your part to find them.

5.  When someone does say no, do not be discouraged and do not give up. Remember that Jesus Himself was rejected and we must expect rejection at times also. Take joy that you have done your part and look for another person to evangelize.

6.  When all of us are doing these things, we will see results! Further, we will be doing our part in the work that God has given every Christian to seek and save the lost (Luke 19: 10).





   It is easy for us to talk about evangelism without having any faces or names in mind.  We need to remember that everyone we know has a soul that will spend eternity in Hell without our intervention.   The following Impact List will help us to have faces and names in front of us as we commit ourselves to being more evangelistic.

Impact List:  Write down the people you know who need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Begin evangelizing the first three on your list by applying the things on this paper.  Add more people as you meet others.  Always have at least three people you are focusing on.  When your list is full and you have exhausted all your opportunities, make a new list and go find more people to evangelize.

    These things will work.  What do you suppose would happen if we all took these simple steps?  Why don’t we give it a try?